Wagalatia 5:13-15
13 Maana ninyi, ndugu, mliitwa mpate uhuru; lakini uhuru wenu usiwe sababu ya kuufuata mwili, bali tumikianeni kwa upendo.
14 Maana torati yote imetimilika katika neno moja, nalo ni hili, Umpende jirani yako kama nafsi yako.
15 Lakini mkiumana na kulana, angalieni msije mkaangamizana.
Tuwapende jirani zetu;
Ni andiko la Mtume Paulo kwa Wagalatia kuhusu uhuru wa mkristo. Mkristo anao uhuru wa kutoka dhambini baada ya kumpokea Yesu. Uhuru huo hauusishi mambo binafsi, bali kuwa mbali na dhambi.
Ni katika uhuru huo, Paulo anawakumbusha Wagalatia kuwapenda jirani zao kama nafsi zao. Yaani watumie uhuru wao wa kikristo wakiacha dhambi ya kuwachukia wenzao.
Ni rai yangu kwako leo, kuwa "mpende jirani yako kama unavyojipenda wewe mwenyewe". Siyo jambo rahisi, inahitajika neema ya Mungu. Tusipopendana tunaumizana, na mwisho wake ni kuangamia.
Nakutakia juma jema, lenye baraka tele na ushindi.
13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbour as yourself.”
15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
Let us love our neighbour’s;
It is the Apostle Paul's letter to the Galatians about Christian freedom. A Christian has the choice to be free from sin after receiving Jesus. That freedom is not of personal issues, but freedom from sin.
It is in this freedom that Paul reminds the Galatians to love their neighbour as themselves. That is, they should use their Christian freedom to forsake the sin of hating one another.
It is my opinion for you today, to "love your neighbour as yourself". It is not an easy thing; it requires the grace of God. When we do not love each other we hurt each other, and the end result is destruction.
I wish you a good week, full of blessings and victory.