Mathayo 9:27-31 (Matthew)


Mathayo 9:27-31

27 Yesu alipokuwa akipita kutoka huko, vipofu wawili wakamfuata wakipaza sauti, wakisema, Uturehemu, Mwana wa Daudi.

28 Naye alipofika nyumbani, wale vipofu walimwendea; Yesu akawaambia, Mnaamini kwamba naweza kufanya hili? Wakamwambia, Naam, Bwana.

29 Ndipo alipowagusa macho, akasema, Kwa kadiri ya imani yenu mpate.

30 Macho yao yakafumbuka. Naye Yesu akawaagiza kwa nguvu, akisema, Angalieni hata mtu mmoja asijue.

31 Lakini wakatoka, wakaeneza habari zake katika nchi ile yote.

Matumizi ya Ulimi;

Yesu anawaponya vipofu wawili waliomfuata wakiomba uponyaji. Ni ishara aliyoitenda, na kama kawaida yake hakutaka sifa, akawaambia wasiseme kokote. Lakini wao walienda kutangaza katika nchi ile uponyaji walioupata.

Najaribu kutafakari yafuatayo;

1. Haiwezekani vipofu hawa wawili walitoka tu kwenda kwa Yesu ghafla. Kuna uwezekano mkubwa kuwa walipatana, kuwa waende kwa Yesu. Sisi tunapokaa na kupanga mambo mbalimbali tunapanga nini? Mipango yetu inao utukufu wa Mungu? Isitokee badala ya kukaa na kupanga mambo ya maendeleo, tunakaa kupanga jinsi ya kuumiza wenzetu. Hii  haikubaliki kabisa. Mipango huusisha maongezi, ambapo ulimi uhusika. Tunapokaa pamoja tunatumia ndimi zetu kwa utukufu wa Mungu?

2. Vipofu walipokuja kwa Yesu, kwa imani waliomba uponyaji. Tutafakari tunaomba nini? Sala zetu ni halisi mbele za Mungu au ni kelele? Yaani tunapiga magoti kuombea wengine mabaya? Tunaomba isivyofaa? Twende mbele za Mungu kwa imani, na maombi halisi, ili sala zetu isiwe kelele mbele za Mungu.

3. Mstari wa 31 unaonesha kuwa baada ya kuona, wale ndugu walienda wakaeneza   habari za Yesu katika nchi ile yote. Tunautumia ulimi wetu kutangaza habari za Yesu ipasavyo? Au tunafanya mambo yetu bila kuitangaza kweli ya Kristo?

Tunawajibika kwenda zaidi ya kusema mema kwa wenzetu katika matumizi ya ulimi, yaani tuutumie ulimi kutangaza habari njema za wokovu kwa wote, ili utukufu wake udhihirike kwa ulimwengu wote. Siku njema.


MATTHEW 9:27-31

Jesus Heals the Blind and the Mute

27 As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!”

28 When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”

“Yes, Lord,” they replied.

29 Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you”; 30 and their sight was restored. Jesus warned them sternly, “See that no one knows about this.” 31 But they went out and spread the news about him all over that region.

Read full chapter

Use of the Tongue;

Jesus heals two blind men who followed him asking for healing. It was a sign he performed, and as usual he did not want praise, he told them not to say anything. But they went to proclaim in the land the healing they had received.

I try to consider the following;

1. It is impossible for these two blind men to just go to Jesus suddenly. It is very likely that they agreed, to go to Jesus. When we sit down and plan different things, what do we plan? Do our plans have the glory of God? Instead of sitting down and planning for development, we are planning to hurt each other. This is totally unacceptable. Plans involve conversation, in which the tongue is involved. When we sit together do we use our tongues for the glory of God?

2. When the blind men came to Jesus, in faith they asked for healing. What will we pray for? Are our prayers real to God or is it a noise? That is, do we kneel and pray for others to do evil? Are we praying inappropriately? Let us go before God in faith, with sincere prayer, that our prayers may not be hindered before God.

3. Verse 31 shows that after their sight was restored, the brethren went and spread the news about Jesus throughout the whole land. Do we use our tongue to spread the good news about Jesus? Or do we do things our own way without proclaiming the truth of Christ?

We have a responsibility to go beyond saying good things to one another in the use of the tongue, that is, to use the tongue to proclaim the good news of salvation to all, so that his glory may be manifested to all in the world. Good day.