Jumapili tarehe 21/01/2018 Usharika wa Azaniafront ulishuhudia matukio 2 muhimu katika ibada ya Kiswahili ya saa 3:30 asubuhi. La kwanza lilikuwa tukio la kihistoria la uzinduzi wa kinanda kipya kikumbwa (Pipe Organ) chenye hadhi ya kanisa kuu. Uzinduzi huo ulifanywa na Askofu Dr Alex Malasusa, akisaidiwa na Dean Lwiza. Aidha alikuwepo Mch Chuwa na Mchungaji mgeni Gehard Richter kutoka chama cha Biblia cha Lipsig, Ujerumani, ambaye alitoa mahubiri. Mch Richter aliwahi pia kuwa Mchungaji wa KKKT Mto wa Mmbu kwa muda mrefu huko nyuma na msemaji mzuri wa lugha ya Kimaasai.
Kati ya wageni mashuhuri alikuwepo Jaji mkuu Mstaafu na mpiga kinanda mzuri, Augustino Ramadhani, Katibu mkuu na Katibu mkuu mstaafu wa Dayosis ya Mashariki na Pwani, na wengine wengi.
Kinanda hicho kimeundwa katika Chuo cha Ufundi cha Hai Mashariki na Mtaalam mjerumani Reiner Kammleiter, akisaidiana na mafundi wa Kitanzania Daudi Mkumbo, Dikson Hermas na wengine 6. Kazi hiyo ilichuchukua takriban miaka 2. Baadae kilisafirishwa kwa vipande vipande na kuunganishwa mahali kilipo ndani ya kanisa la Azaniafront. Kazi ya nakshi ya mbao zilizozingira kinanda hicho ni ya umahiri mkubwa. Kammleiter alikuwa amefuatana na mke wake Barbara na kijana wao Michael.
Baada ya uzinduzi, mpiga kinanda mashuhuri Siang Tan toka Singapore alipiga nyimbo 4 na kuonyesha uwezo wa kinanda hicho chenye filimbi 1,232.
Tukio la pili ni Shukrani ya pekee iliyotolewa na familia ya Chaplain Mzinga kumshukuru Mungu kumaliza matibabu yake India na Mungu kumponya. Aidha daktari wake wa hapa Tanzania, Dr Kisanga, alipewa pongezi na Askofu kwa kazi nzuri aliyofanya katika matibabu ya Chaplain.
On Sunday 21/01/2018 Azaniafront congregation witnessed 2 important events in the 2nd Kiswahili Service. The first was a historic event of launching a grand pipe organ befitting the Cathedral. The launch was conducted by Bishop Dr. Alex Malasusa and Dean Lwiza. Also there was Pastor Gehard Richter of Lipsig Bible society of Germany who gave the sermon. Pastor Richter was formerly a pastor at Mto wa Mmbu Parish in Arusha for a long time, and a fluent speaker of the Maasai language.
Among important guests were retired former Chief Justice and an accomplished Church Organ player, Augustino Ramadhani, Secretary General and retired Secretary General of Eastern and Coastal Diocese, and many others.
The Pipe Organ was built at Hai Vocational training Center in Kilimanjaro region, by a German specialist Reiner Kammleiter, and his Tanzanian assistants Daudi Mkumbo, Dikson Hermas, and 6 others. The work took almost 2 years to complete. It was then transported in pieces and re-assembled on location at Azaniafront Cathedral. The artwork done on the wood works is spectacular. Kammleiter was accompanied by his wife Barbara, and Son Michael.
After launching, Sian Tan, an accomplished organ player, played 4 songs on the 1,232 pipe organ to showcase its performance.
The second event was a thanksgiving by the family of Chaplain Charles Mzinga for completing his treatment in India and for God healing him. Also the Bishop commended his local doctor Dr Kisanga for the good work he did in his treatment.
Askofu Dr Alex Malasusa na Dean Lwiza wakiweka wakfu Kinanda hicho. Nyuma yao ni mpiga kinanda maarufu Siang Tan toka Singapore.
Bishop Dr Alex Malasusa and Dean Lwiza inaugurating the Pipe Organ. Behind them is an accomplished organist Siang Tan from Singapore.
Washarika wakiimba wakati wa ibada hiyo
Kushoto kwenda kulia ni Mch Chuwa, Mch Richter, Dean Lwiza, Mama Barbara Kammleiter, na Bwana Kammleiter ambaye alikuwa akisema jambo kuhusu utengenezaji wa kinanda hicho.
From left to right is Pastor Chuwa, guest pastor Reichter, Dean Lwiza, & Mrs and Mr Kammleiter, who was saying a few words about the making of the Organ.
Kutokea kushoto ni mafundi 2 watanzania walikuja kuwakilisha wenzao katika uzinduzi, Bw na Bi Kammleiter wakitoa maelezo.
From left are the two Tanzania artisans who represented the others, and Mr & Mrs Kammleiter saying a word about the Organ.
Mch mgeni Gehard Richter akihubiri
Guest Pastor Gehard Richter giving a sermon.
Chaplain Charles Mzinga akiwa na familia yake.
Chaplain Charles Mzinga with his family.
Chaplain Mzinga na familia yake wakiwa mbele ya madhabahu kwa sala ya shukrani.
Chaplain Mzinga and his family standing before the Altar for thanks giving prayer.
Familia ya Chaplain Mzinga wakipokea baraka toka kwa Askofu Malasusa.
The family of Chaplain Mzinga receiving a blessing from Bishop Malasusa.
Askofu akimpongeza Dr Kisanga kwa kazi nzuri aliyofanya.
Bishop congratulating Dr Kisanga for a job well done.
Washarika waliosindikiza familia ya Chaplain wakitoa sadaka ya shukrani.
Some of the congregation giving their thanksgiving offering with the family of Chaplain Mzinga.