LUKE 19:17-20
Nowadays, many believers celebrate their birthdays, graduations from school, appointments, promotions at the office, winning big contracts, and other major achievements in their life, but many never remember to say; "Thank you Jesus for the salvation of my soul". Being saved, should be the benefit that should give us the greatest joy! Why! The reason is that there is nothing else in the whole world that can transform a sinner into a saint other than the Name of Jesus and the power of the Blood of Jesus.
Acts 4:12 says,
"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved"
- No hero from any country can save you;
- No can any prophet from any age or dispensation deliver you;
- No amount of money can buy you out of Hell;
- No level of good works or moral uprightness can redeem you either;
Only faith in the Name of Jesus and faith in the cleansing power of the Blood of Christ Jesus can save us. Jesus paid for it in full, not partly, because if it were in part none would have been saved today, going by Satan's antecedents. He said at the cross;
" It is finished" (John 19:30)
After the 70 disciples sent out by the Lord for evangelism returned with fantastic testimonies of the success of their outing, the Lord shocked them by telling them they were rejoicing over what was not the main issue. He then told them what the object of their joy should be;
" Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven" (Luke 10:20)
Our salvation from sin is far more important than any other achievement in our lives on this earth. Great is the value that God and the whole of heaven has placed on it, than anything else. Now, if you are sure of your salvation from sin, you need to be very grateful to God. If you are yet to be saved from sin, seek for it like you have never searched for anything else on earth. And thank God for it everyday of your life; it is well worth it.
LUKA 10:17-20
Ni kawaida kuona wapendwa wakisherehekea siku za kuzaliwa, kuhitimu masomo, kuajiriwa, kupandishwa cheo, kupata mradi mkubwa, na mafanikio kadha wa kadha wanayoyapata maishani. Laki wengi wetu hatukumbuki kumwambia Yesu; "Ahsante kwa ukombozi wa maisha yangu " - baraka hii ndiyo kimsingi ingetupa furaha kubwa sana maishani. Kwa nini! Kwa sababu katika ulimwengu wote hakuna ambacho kingeweza kumbadilisha mwenye dhambi, kwa kumtakasa, na akawa mtakatifu, Ila Jina la Yesu na Damu yake.
Matendo ya Mitume 4:12 neno linasema;
" Wala hakuna wokovu katika mwingine awaye yote, kwa maana hapana Jina jingine chini ya mbingu walilopewa wanadamu litupasalo sisi kuokolewa kwalo "
- Hakuna shujaa, wala Nabii awezaye kutukomboa,
- Hakuna kiasi cha pesa kiwezacho kutununua toka mautini,
- Hakuna kipimo cha utumishi au matendo mema yawezayo kutuokoa
Ni imani katika Jina la Yesu, na imani kwa damu yake itakasayo, ndiyo inayoweza kutuokoa. Jua kwamba Yesu alilipa kila kitu, yote, si sehemu ya dhambi zetu. Alisema,
"Imekwisha" (Yn 19:30)
Kwani ingekuwa amelipa kiasi, kutokana na Shetani alivyo, hiyo ingekula kwetu, asingeokoka mtu, ila labda Mungu atupendelee tena vingine.
Wale 70 waliotumwa na Bwana kwa kazi ya kiinjilisti waliporudi, walikuja wakifurahi na taarifa za kusisimua kwa jinsi mapepo yalivyowatii. Yesu akawashitua kuwaambia kwamba hilo wanaloshangilia si la msingi,
"Bali furahini kwa sababu majina yenu yameandikwa mbinguni" Luka 10:20
Kuokolewa kwetu toka dhambini ni kitu cha muhimu sana kuliko mafanikio yoyote yale hapa ulimwenguni. Mungu na mbingu yote wanathamini hilo kuliko kitu chochote kile. Hawaoni kilicho cha thamani kuliko hicho! Kwa hiyo, kama una uhakika kuwa umekombolewa toka dhambini, kila siku usiache kumshukuru Mungu ukisherehekea. Kama hujampa Yesu maisha yako, litafute hilo kuliko chochote ulimwenguni. Na usiache kumshukuru Mungu na kusherehekea; kwani inastahili kusherehekea!