1 Wakorintho 2:9 {1 Corinthians 2:9}


1 Wakorintho 2:9

9 lakini, kama ilivyoandikwa, Mambo ambayo jicho halikuyaona wala sikio halikuyasikia, (Wala hayakuingia katika moyo wa mwanadamu,) Mambo ambayo Mungu aliwaandalia wampendao.

Watu wengi hudhani kuwa kila kitu ambacho Mungu amekifanya kimekwisha kuonekana na mwanadamu. Neno linatuambia kuwa hii si kweli. Neno linasema kuwa bado halijaingia moyoni, wala akili, wala machoni, wala masikioni mwa mwanadamu lile jambo ambalo Mungu alilomwandalia ampendaye katika ulimwengu huu wa mwili na ule wa kiroho pia! 

Lakini, kabla ya mimi na wewe, mmoja mmoja au pamoja kama Mwili wa Kristo kutembea katika nguvu na uwezo uliokuwa juu ya Kanisa lile la kwanza, lazima tupate upenyo katika ulimwengu wa roho. Upenyo huu utadhihirika mara tu pale tutakapokuwa tunafanya kazi kwa uwezo wa Roho Mtakatifu.

Nikisema "upenyo" nina maana ya "tendo la kupasua na kupenya ngome inayokuzuia hata kuvuka na kutokeza upande wa pili kupata ushindi". Tangu kuanguka kwa mwanadamu pale bustanini Edeni (Mwanzo sura ya 3), Shetani amekuwa akiweka vizuizi na vipingamizi kati ya Mungu na mwanadamu. Faraja ni kwamba Mungu amekuwa akimpa mwanadamu upenyo wa kiroho wa kumwezesha mwanadamu kuvuka vizuizi hivi kila vinapowekwa! Vipenyo hivyo ni: 

  • Ukombozi kuvuka kipingamizi cha Dhambi
  • Nguvu ya Ufufuo kupenya kipingamizi cha Ulaghai wa Shetani
  • Nguvu ya Injili ya Yesu Kristo kupenyeza Kukua kwa Kanisa la Kristo
  • Nguvu ya Matengenezo ya Kanisa na Uwezo wa Mungu kutenda Ishara na Miujiza kuvunja kizuizi cha Makosa ya watu Kuunda Madhehebu na Udini 
  • Nguvu ya Kufanywa Upya Kiroho kuvunja kipingamizi cha Mgawanyiko Ndani ya Kanisa

Ushuhuda upo kwamba kumekuwa na upenyo mkubwa katika Kanisa, katika ulimwengu huu wa nyama, na katika ulimwengu wa roho pia, kwa kutumia vipenyo hivi pale vilipotumika. Sasa ni wakati wetu wa kuvuna, ni wakati mzuri wa kila mtu kupata upenyo katika ulimwengu wa kiroho - upenyo wa kupata ufunuo na hekima ya kuufikia uwezo na nguvu hii iliyowekewa Mwili wa Kristo na Mungu. 


1 Corinthians 2:9

However, as it is written:

“What no eye has seen,
    what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”[a]
    the things God has prepared for those who love him—


Some people have the idea that everything God can do has been seen by man already. As this scripture indicates, that is not true. It has not yet entered into the heart or the mind of man the things that God has prepared for him in the natural as well as the the spiritual realm.

But before we can individually or collectively, as the Body of Christ, operate with the same power and anointing that was upon the Early Church, we must have spiritual breakthrough. These spiritual breakthrough will come as we begin to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The breakthrough I refer here is "the act or instance of breaking through an obstruction; or an offensive thrust that penetrates beyond a barrier to get the victory you seek". Since the fall of man, in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3). However along the path of history God has supplied spiritual breakthroughs for every enemy obstruction for each obstacle;

  • For the obstacle of Sin, the breakthrough of Redemption;
  • For the obstacle of Deception, the breakthrough of Resurrection Power;
  • For the obstacle Church Survival, the breakthrough of Evangelist Power;
  • For the obstacle of Man-made Denomination and Error, the breakthrough of Church Reformation and God's Miracle-Working power; 
  • For Church Division, the breakthrough of Spiritual Renewal.

As there are breakthroughs in the natural realm on a tremendous scale, so too are we seeing even greater breakthroughs in the spirit world. It is harvest time! It is a dynamic, new breakthrough in the spirit world - a breakthrough of revelation knowledge and a breakthrough of revelation knowledge and a breakthrough of a new dimension of power that has been set aside for the Body of Christ!