We are responsible for serving the Lord unceasingly. Tunapaswa kumtumikia Mungu bila kuchoka. ../Heri Buberwa
John 7:14-18 (Yohana 7:14-18)
The word of God is powerful. Neno la Mungu lina Nguvu../Heri Buberwa
Mathew 11:16-19
Following Jesus is not about following rules. Kumfuata Yesu sio kushika sheria.../Pastor J Mlaki.
Mathayo 8:14-17
Yesu aliwaponya watu kwa neno lake. Jesus healed people by His word./Heri Bubelwa
Malachi 2:4-9
Lotote tutakalosema na kuhubiri, ni lazima tuheshimu na kutii maandiko matakatifu. Whatever we have to say and preach, we have to obey the scripture../Pastor J Mlaki
1 Chronicles 17:16-20 (1 Mambo ya Nyakati 17:16-20)
God is the only one who deserves to be praised. Anayestahili kusifiwa siyo mwingine yeyote, ni Mungu pekee../Heri Buberwa
Romans 4:20-25 (Warumi 4:20-25)
We are saved by grace through faith. Tunaokolewa kwa neema kwa njia ya imani. /Pastor J. Mlaki
Romans 3:27-29 (Warumi 3:27-29)
We are all saved by grace and faith in Jesus Christ. Sote tunaokolewa kwa Neema ya imani katika Yesu Kristo.
JOHN 3:16-21
We must always live in the Light of Christ. Imetupasa daima kuishi katika nuru ya Kristo. /Pastor J Mlaki
Romans 3:21-26
We are justified by the Grace of Jesus Christ. Tunahesabiwa haki kwa neema ya Yesu Kristo.