Waebrania 9:1-10 (Hebrews 9:1-10)
Yesu ni chakula cha uzima. Jesus is the bread of life... /Heri Buberwa
Mwanzo 1:9-13 (Genesis 1:9-13)
God is the creator of all things. Mungu ni muumbaji wa vitu vyote. ./Heri Buberwa
Zaburi 104:16-23 (Psalm 104:16-23)
It is our duty to protect God's creation. Ni wajibu wetu kutunza uumbaji wa Mungu. ../Heri Buberwa
Isaiah 45:18
God created the world for his purpose. Mungu aliuumba ulimwengu kwa makusudi yake../Pastor J Mlaki
Colossians 1:16-17 (Wakolosai 1:16-17)
The glory of God was the original purpose of creation. Kusudi halisi la uumbaji lilikuwa ni kumpa Mungu utukufu../Pastor J. Mlaki
Isaiah 45:9-13
God has a purpose for each of us. Mungu ana makusudi na kila mtu. /Pastor J. Mlaki.
Job 37:1-13 (Ayubu 37:1-3)
The sum of human duty, as expounded by nature, is to fear God and keep his commandments...Kwa ujumla, wajibu wa mwanadamu, kama ulivyoelezwa katika uumbaji, ni kumcha Mungu na kuzitii amri zake./Pastor J. Mlaki
Mathayo 7:24-27
Yesu Kristo ndiye Mwamba wetu wa imani. Jesus Christ is our Rock of faith.
Matthew 14:1-12
God calls us to turn from behavior that is wrong, and to turn back to him. ​​​​​​​Mungu anatuita ili tuziache njia zilizo mbaya, na kumgeukia yeye.../Pastor J. Mlaki
Luka 20:9-16
Hivyo, tunapaswa kujitoa na kumtumikia ili tusipatwe na ile hukumu. Believers are to submit and serve Him, or we will face His certain judgment.. ../Pastor J. Mlaki
