Jeremiah 20:13 New International Version (NIV)
13 Sing to the Lord!
Give praise to the Lord!
He rescues the life of the needy
from the hands of the wicked.
Discouragement is part of life. Discouragement comes most often when you do right things but experience poor results. You work hard, but you do not make progress.
That is how Jeremiah felt. God called him to speak a harsh message to a rebellious people. People obeyed his message. Yet on one occasion Jeremiah so angered an assistant to the high priest and chief security officer for the temple, Pashhur, that the man arrested Jeremiah, beat him, and threw him in jail; and was released the next day.
Like Jesus, Jeremiah reminds us that even a faithful servant of God can become discouraged. Jeremiah lived above his feelings and fulfilled God's will.
Praise is the one weapon in the Christian's store against which Satan has no defense. When we praise God we acknowledge that he is in charge - he can do what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants. Praise is accepting from God all that comes our way, both the good and the bad.
13 Mwimbieni Bwana; msifuni Bwana; Kwa maana ameiponya roho ya mhitaji Katika mikono ya watu watendao maovu.
Kukatishwa tamaa ni sehemu ya maisha. Hali hii huja mara nyingi pale unapofanya mambo sahihi lakini unapokea matokea mabaya. Unafanya kwa bidii, lakini huoni maendeleo ya kile unachokifanya.
Hali kama hii ilimpata Yeremia. Mungu alimtuma kutoa ujumbe ili kuwaonya watu walioasi. Watu walisikia ujumbe wake. Lakini katika tukio moja, Yeremia alimkasirisha msaidizi wa Kuhani Mkuu na Mkuu wa usalama Hekaluni aitwae Pashuri. Mtu huyu alimkamata Yeremia, akampiga, na kumtupa gerezani; na kesho yake alimwacha huru.
Kama alivyofanya Bwana Yesu, Yeremia anatukumbusha kuwa, hata mtumishi mwaminifu wa Mungu anafikia wakati anakatishwa tamaa. Yeremia alitazama zaidi ya mambo aliyokuwa anapitia ili kutimiza mapenzi ya Mungu.
Sifa ni silaha katika hazina ya Mkristo ambayo Shetani hawezi kuipinga. Tunapomsifu Mungu tunatambua kuwa yeye ni kiongozi; na anaweza kutenda lile atakalo, wakati apendao na kwa namna apendavyo. Katika kusifu tunakubali yale yote yatokayo kwa Mungu; mema na mabaya.