Isaiah 9:13-17 International Version (NIV)
9 But the people have not returned to him who struck them,
nor have they sought the Lord Almighty.
14 So the Lord will cut off from Israel both head and tail,
both palm branch and reed in a single day;
15 the elders and dignitaries are the head,
the prophets who teach lies are the tail.
16 Those who guide this people mislead them,
and those who are guided are led astray.
17 Therefore the Lord will take no pleasure in the young men,
nor will he pity the fatherless and widows,
for everyone is ungodly and wicked,
every mouth speaks folly.
Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away,
his hand is still upraised.
Seeking God is a purposeful and it requires a person to admit they need help and causes them to rely on Him, who is stronger than themselves. It involves a heart’s desire for God, a willingness to ask for guidance, and includes a commitment to repent and follow God.
ISAYA 9:13-17
13 Lakini watu hao hawakumwelekea yeye aliyewapiga, wala kumtafuta Bwana wa majeshi.
14 Kwa sababu hiyo Bwana atakata katika Israeli kichwa na mkia, kuti na nyasi, katika siku moja.
15 Mzee mwenye kuheshimiwa ndiye kichwa, na nabii afundishaye uongo ndiye mkia.
16 Kwa maana wawaongozao watu hawa ndio wawakoseshao, na hao walioongozwa na watu hao wameangamia.
17 Kwa sababu hiyo Bwana hatawafurahia vijana wao, wala hatawahurumia yatima zao wala wajane wao; maana kila mtu ni mnajisi, dhalimu, na kila ulimi hunena upumbavu. Pamoja na hayo yote hasira yake haikugeukia mbali, lakini mkono wake umenyoshwa hata sasa.
Kumtafuta Mungu ni jambo la kukusudia linalohitaji mtu kutambua uhitaji na utegemezi wake kwa Mungu aliye mkuu kuliko wote. Tunahitaji moyo wenye kiu ya kumjua Mungu, utayari wa kuongozwa naye; pia kutubu, kujitoa na kumfuata.