1 Samuel 1:21-25 NIV
Parents and guardians have to lend their children to God as long as they live...ni wajibu wa wazazi na walezi kuwaachilia watoto wao ili Mungu awatumie wakati wa uhai wao wote. {By Pr. Mwaipopo}
Judges 13:8-9 NIV ( Waamuzi 13:8-9)
God's guidance is required in nurturing our children in righteousness. Tunahitaji msaada wa Mungu kuwalea watoto wetu katika njia ipasayo. {By C.Swai, Elder}
Ephesians 6:1-4 NIV (Waefeso 6:1-4)
It is right for children to respect their parents...Ni haki watoto kuwaheshimu wazazi wao..{By C.Swai, Elder)
Proverbs 3:11-12 NIV (Mithali 3:11-12)
When God punishes his people, it's because he loves them. Mungu anapowaadhibu watu wake, ni kwa sababu anawapenda.
Proverbs 4:13 NIV (Mithali 4:13)
The word of God reminds us of the importance of education. ..Neno la Mungu linatukumbusha umuhimu wa elimu.
2 Kings 19:8-10 NIV (2 Wafalme 19:8-10)
Listen to God's guidance through his word. Tufuate mwongozo wa Mungu wetu kupitia neno lake.
Proverbs 18:10 NIV (Mithali 18:10)
Our God is almighty. He is in all places and He knows all things. Mungu anajua kila kitu na anaona kila kitu. { By Pr. P Chuwa}
Acts 6:1-6 NIV (Matendo 6:1-6)
In the church we need people with different gifts and abilities. Each one is important. Let us pray for one another and work together in harmony for the common good. Katika kanisa tunao watu wenye vipawa na huduma mbalimbali. Sote ni muhimu. Tufanyakazi pamoja kwa kushirikiana. {By Pr. Chuwa}
1 Samuel 12:8-15 NIV
Are we are truly loving and obeying God? Je tunampenda Mungu kwa dhati na kufuata amri zake? {By Pr. P Chuwa}
Proverbs 12:5-9 NIV (Mithali 12:5-9)
The book of Proverbs is a good source of guidance of life that is successful and pleasing to God. Kitabu cha Methali ni chanzo kizuri cha mwongozo wa maisha ya mafanikio na yanayompendeza Mungu. {By Pr P Chuwa}
