Be faithful in your life. Uwe mwaminifu katika maisha yako. (Pastor P. Chuwa)
Isaiah 23:1-8
Be careful not to forget your God when you prosper. Jihadhari usimsahau Mungu wako unapofanikiwa. {C Swai, Elder}
Isaiah 23:1-8
God is merciful to all who come to Him in true humility and repentance...Mungu anawasamehe wote wanaotubu kwa unyenyekevu. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Jude 1:5-13
When Jesus comes back, there will be Judgement of our sins. Yesu atakaporudi atatuhukumu kwa dhambi zetu. {Pastor P Chuwa}
2 Peter 2:1-4
Beware of false teachings. Tujihadhari na mafundisho potofu. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Job 14:1-5 (Ayubu 14:1-5)
Your life is in God's hands.....Maisha yako yako mikononi mwa Mungu. {Pastor P. Chuwa}
Mark 13:14-23 (Marko 13:14-23}
Be prepared for the second coming of Jesus. Jiandae kwa kuja kwa Yesu mara ya pili. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Matthew 5:4-7
Let us show compassion and mercy to others. Tuwe na huruma na upole kwa wengine. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Isaiah 57:1-2
God knows what is in your heart. Mungu anajua yaliyomo moyoni mwako. {Pastor P Chuwa}