Psalm 9:18-20 New International Version (NIV)

Psalm 9:18-20  New International Version (NIV)

18 But God will never forget the needy;
    the hope of the afflicted will never perish.

19 Arise, Lord, do not let mortals triumph;
    let the nations be judged in your presence.
20 Strike them with terror, Lord;
    let the nations know they are only mortal.

You will agree with me that it is very a very frightening situation to be defenceless in this hostile world. Consider

  • When you are sick and the doctor tells you, there is nothing else he/she can do that can cure you.
  • When you are in financial problems, and the bank insists on using assets you don't have as collateral.
  • When a sick child looks up to his parents for help and care and his parents tell him that the forces battling against him are beyond their capability.
  • Worst still, when your pastor, after praying all sorts of prayers, he tells you that there is nothing more he can do to help you!

Have you been in such a situation like that? Do you feel naked and exposed and prone to shame? Are you facing the worst times and there is no one to defend you? Has anyone you thought could help you, deserted you, and now you think that life is worthless?

I bring good news to you today. There is hope for the hopeless and cover for the naked. God can still do something for the hopeless situation you are going through. God is very close to you, He will reach out and touch you today as you read this devotion, if you believe in His faithfulness to His promises. The Lord will make a way for you. Call on Him and tell Him that you have no one to help you, but Him. Ask Him to help you now. He will answer and turn your situation around for good.


ZAB 9:18-20

18 Kwa maana mhitaji hatasahauliwa daima; Matumaini ya wanyonge hayatapotea milele.
19 Bwana, usimame, mwanadamu asipate nguvu, Mataifa wahukumiwe mbele zako.
20 Bwana, uwawekee kitisho, Mataifa na wajijue kuwa ni binadamu.

Utakubaliana nami kuwa ni kitu cha kuogofya ukiwa mkiwa na mtu asiye na msaada wala kinga katika ulimwengu huu usio na huruma. Hebu fikiria; 

  • Unaumwa sana na daktari anakuambia hana cha ziada cha kufanya.
  • Una matatizo ya kifedha na benki ambao wangekusaidia, wanahitaji uweke rehani Mali ambayo huna.
  • Mtoto mdogo, anayepigania maisha yake kitandani, akitegemea wazazi watamsaidia, lakini wanamwambia kuwa, nguvu anazopambana nazo hawaziwezi,
  • Mbaya zaidi, ni pale baada ya maombi ya kila aina juu yako, mchungaji wako anakuambia ameshindwa kukusaidia kuuondoa msiba wako.

Umepata kujikuta katika mkwamo wa aina hivyo? Unajiona u mtupu na huna kinga yoyote na unaaibika? Unajiona uko katika janga ambalo hujui utatokaje? Je, wale wote uliowatarajia wakusaidie wameingia mitini, na unaona huna faida kuishi tena?

Basi nakuletea habari njema leo ya kukutoa katika shimo ulilomo. Kuna msaada kwa wahitaji na kinga kwa wanaopigwa.

Mungu wangu Ana uwezo wa kuyabadilisha yote kuwa mazuri. Mungu katika sura ya Yesu Kristo you karibu sana nawe. 

Mwite naye atanyoosha mkono wake akuguse Kama una Imani juu ya uaminifu wake kwa ahadi zake. Mwambie huna msaada wowote ila ule utokao wake. Mwambie akusaidie sasa, naye atafanya na kuyabadilisha maisha yako na mema yatakujia. Ataubadilisha msiba wako kuwa kicheko.