Jeremiah 15:19-21 (NIV)
God is loving and merciful. Trust in Him fully...Mungu ni mwenye huruma na yupo tayari kutusamehe. Tumtegemee kabisa...{Presented by Pastor P. Chuwa}
Jonah 4:5-11 (NIV)
Jonah had refused God’s call to go to preach to the people of Nineveh to give them a chance to repent of their sins....Awali Mungu alimwita Yona kwenda kuhubiri Ninawi ili watu wake wapate nafasi ya kumrudia Mungu, lakini alikataa. ..{Presented by Pastor P Chuwa}
Ephesians 2:11-22 (NIV)
By faith in Christ, Gentiles and Jews can all be united as God’s people...Kwa njia ya imani, Wayahudi na watu wa mataifa, wanaweza kuwa pamoja katika familia ya Mungu...{Presented by Pastor P. Chuwa}
Romans 3:21-26 (NIV)
When Rev Dr Martin Luther studied the above passage he obtained peace in his heart. He realized that his sins could be fully forgiven..Mch Dk Martin Luther akisoma na kutafakari maneno hayo juu, alipata amani moyoni. Alielewa kwamba wokovu na msamaha wa dhambi zake vinapatikana..{Presented by Pastor P. Chuwa}
Romans 9:14-18 (NIV)
Our God is a merciful and loving God who is not willing for any to perish...Mungu ni Mungu wa upendo na huruma. Yesu alikufa kwa binadamu wote. {Prepared by Pastor P. Chuwa}
Jeremiah 31:1-3 (NIV)
Thank God that He loves you too and He has a good plan for your life. Mungu anakupenda, pia na ana mipango mizuri kwa maisha yako. ..{Prepared by Pastor P. Chuwa}
Psalm 119:89-96, Romans 3:21-26, Matthew 20:1-16 (NIV)
We receive salvation by Grace. Eternal life is given to all who trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior and who repent their sins. ..Tunapewa wokovu na maisha ya milele kwa neema tu. Hatuwezi kufanya kazi ili tuokoke. {Prepared by Pastor P. Chuwa}
Ephesians 1:11-14 (NIV)
We have been given the gift of the Holy Spirit to live within us and guide us. What a privilege...Tumepewa Roho Mtakatifu kuishi ndani yetu na kutuongoza katika maisha yetu. Ni neema kuu..{Prepared by Pastor P. Chuwa}
2 Peter 1:19-21 (NIV)
The Bible is God’s Word. It was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. .Biblia ni Neno la Mungu. Waandishi wa Biblia hawakuandika mawazo yao bali waliongozwa na Roho Mtakatifu..{Prepared by Pastor P. Chuwa}
Exodus 34:29-35 (NIV)
We have the honour of speaking to God in prayer. Through Jesus Christ we can come freely to God in prayer at any time..Sisi tuna neema ya kuja kwa Mungu katika maombi kila wakati kupitia Yesu Kristo. {Prepared by Pastor P. Chuwa}
