Acts 12:18-19 (NIV)
Pray that those in authority and with responsibility to administer Justice, would do so fairly. ..Waombee wenye mamlaka na wahusika na sheria na mahakama kuwa na hekima na huruma, na watekeleze wajibu wao kwa usahihi. .{By Pastor P. Chuwa}
Exodus 2:11-15 (NIV)
Often violence breeds violence. One violent act leads to another...Mara nyingi tendo moja la ukatili linasababisha lingine na lingine, kila mtu akilipa kisasi kwa mwingine..{By Pastor P Chuwa}
Hebrews 11:17-19 (NIV)
Sometimes we may face some very challenging situations in our lives. Let us trust in God to see us through..Tunaweza kukutana na changamoto nzito katika maisha yetu. Tumtegemee Mungu kuzishinda. {By Pastor P. Chuwa}
Isaiah 31 (NIV)
Let us examine our lives and see if we are truly putting God first and following His plans..Tujiangalie tusitegemee binadamu wala miungu. Bali tumtegemee Mungu na tutafute mapenzi yake kila wakati. {By Pastor P Chuwa}
Numbers 20:1-13 (NIV)
Let us pray that God would help us to be humble even under provocation. God can help us to be patient with difficult people..Tumwombe Mungu atupe kuwa na uvumilivu tukikutana na watu wagumu, na tuwe wanyenyekevu...{By Pastor P. Chuwa}
Matthew 4:1-11 (NIV)
We need to study God’s Word daily and memorize important Scriptures so that we can be strong to fight against Satan and overcome temptation. ..Tusome sana Biblia na tuweke mistari muhimu moyoni ili tuweze kushinda majaribu. .{By Pastor P. Chuwa}
Job 1:13-22 (NIV)
May God help us to be faithful to Him always despite what challenges we may face in our lives.....Mungu atusaidie tuwe waaminifu kwake kila wakati na tusikate tamaa tukipata mapito magumu katika maisha yetu...{By Pastor P Chuwa}
Luke 22:40-46 New International Version (NIV)
We can come to God in prayer. We can bring our problems to God. God will either give us a way out of the problem or the strength and grace to persevere in the difficulty...Sisi tunaweza kuleta shida zetu kwa Mungu katika maombi. Mungu anatuhurumia na kutusikiliza. Mungu atajibu maombi yetu na aidha atatupa njia ya kushinda matatizo au neema na nguvu ya kupita. {By Pastor P. Chuwa}
Psalm 91:11-16, Matthew 4:1-11, 1 Kings 3:4-15 (NIV)
God has called each one of us to follow Him. Each of us has been given a special task in life...Mungu ametuita sisi sote, na kila mmoja amepewa nafasi ya kipekee kumtumikia Mungu. {By Pastor P Chuwa}
Acts 2:36-38 (NIV)
Thank God that you are part of the World wide Christian church which began in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost....Mshukuru Mungu kwa kuwa mmoja wa kanisa la Kristo la ulimwengu mzima lililozaliwa rasmi Jerusalem siku ya Pentekoste..{By Pastor P. Chuwa}
