1 Chronicles 22:19 NIV {1 NYAKATI 22:19}
Building the Church of Christ concerns all of us..Kazi ya kujenga kanisa la Kristo inatuhusu sisi sote. {By Pr. P. Chuwa}
Ezra 10:4
Let us know that we should be prepared to give our time, money and energy to build God’s kingdom...Unapaswa kuwa tayari kujenga Ufalme wa Mungu kwa njia ya muda na nguvu zako na sadaka zako..{By Pr. P. Chuwa}
EPHESIANS 5:8-14 {EFESO 5:8-14}
We cannot earn our salvation by good works. Hatuwezi kupata wokovu kwa njia ya kutenda mema. {By Pr P. Chuwa}
Yohana 17:20-23 {John 17:20-23}
Ni pale tu ambayo tutakuwa wamoja na Yesu Kristo ndiyo tutakapoweza kuzitenda kazi halisi za Mungu. .Only when we have truly become one with Jesus Christ, are we able to work the works of God...{By S.Jengo, Elder}
2 Wakorintho 4:8-10 {2 Corinthians 4:8-10}
Yesu hakupata kushindwa wala hana mpango wa sisi tushindwe maishani. Jesus was never defeated and He has not planned for us to be defeated...{ By S. Jengo, Elder}
1 Wakorintho 12:11-13 {1 Corinthians 12:11-13}
Hakuna Roho Mtakatifu wengi, ni mmoja tu.....yule aliyebeba nguvu halisi za Mungu..There are not two, three or five Spirits, there is only one! That is the Holy Spirit....one true anointing of God..{By S. Jengo, Elder}
1 Wakorintho 2:9 {1 Corinthians 2:9}
Sasa ni wakati wetu wa kuvuna, ni wakati mzuri wa kila mtu kupata upenyo katika ulimwengu wa kiroho - It is harvest time! It is a dynamic, new breakthrough in the spirit world {By S.Jengo, Elder}
Marko 2:1-5 {Mark 2:1-5}
Mwiite Mungu leo, asikie hamu na shauku  uliyo nayo juu yake ndani ya sauti yako..Cry out to God today and let Him hear the desperation in your voice and see it in your action.{By S. Jengo, Elder}
MARKO  3:14-15 {MARK 3:14-15}
Anaowatafuta ni wale walio wanafunzi, yaani wale ambao wamemwamini na kumkubali Yesu Kristo na kujitoa kuitenda kazi yake pote walipo...Disciples are those who believe in, accept and take it upon themselves to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever they are.,{By S. Jengo, Elder}
2 Wakorintho 1:3-10 {2Corinthians 1:3-10}
Je unapita katika gumu lolote? Una uchungu ndani yako na hakuna awezaye kukufariji? Mgeukie Roho Mtakatifu naye atakupa faraja isiyokwisha katika Jina la Yesu!..Are you so sorrowful that all human attempts at comforting you have failed? The Holy Spirit will reach out and comfort You today, in the name Jesus..{By S. Jengo, Elder}
