1 Corinthians 3:16-23 New International Version (NIV)
We have the joy of being Christians. The Holy Spirit lives in us so that we are God’s temple...Sisi tunafuraha kuwa Wakristo. Roho Mtakatifu anaishi ndani yetu. Sisi ni hekalu la Mungu. {Presented by Pastor P. Chuwa}
Mark 7:24-30 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus did not come to the Jews only. Jesus came for all people...Yesu amekuja duniani si kwa wayahudi tu, bali kwa kila mtu. {Presented by Pastor P. Chuwa}
Psalm 104:25-31, Luke 4:38-44, Galatians 3:23-29 (NIV)
Jesus Christ came to die for all people everywhere. He came for rich and poor, men and women. He came for people from all nations and tribes. Jesus loves us all...Yesu anapenda watu wote. Yesu amefia msalabani kwa kila mtu duniani. {Presented by Pastor P. Chuwa}
Matthew 9:23-26 New International Version (NIV)
We can call upon Jesus in prayer. Let us talk to Jesus and bring our concerns to Him. ....Sisi tunaweza kumwita Yesu katika maombi. Yesu yu tayari kusikia maombi yetu kila wakati. ..{Presented by Pastor P. Chuwa}
Genesis 9:1-3 New International Version (NIV)
After destroying evil in the earth with the flood God makes a new covenant with Noah and his family. It is similar to that when God created the world...Baada ya kuangamiza uovu kwa gharika, Mungu alifanya agano jipya na Nuhu na familia yake. Agano kwa sehemu lilifanana na lile Mungu alifanya na watu wa kwanza baada kuumba dunia..{Presented by Pr. P.Chuwa}
John 19:25-27 New International Version (NIV)
Even in His pain and suffering of the cross Jesus saw His mother in her grief and had compassion on her......Hata katika maumivu na mateso yake msalabani Yesu alimhurumia mama yake.
Colossians 3:18-25 (NIV)
Let us live out our Christian faith in every area of our lives...Tuiishi Imani yetu ya Kikristo katika maeneo yote ya maisha yetu...[Presented by Pastor Prudence Chuwa.
Psalm 115:12-18 (NIV)
God is a Great God. He is worthy of our praise. Katika Zaburi hii tunakumbushwa kumsifu na kumwabudu Mungu wetu. Mungu kweli anastahili sifa zetu. ..[Presented by Pr. Chuwa]
Genesis 18:6-15 (NIV)
Abraham was a man who was faithful to God. Abraham was also very hospitable to strangers. He welcomed the visitors who turned out to be angels with an important message for Abraham and his wife Sarah...Ibrahimu alikuwa mtu wa Imani kwa Mungu. Ibrahimu pia alikuwa mtu mkarimu. Ibahimu na mke wake Sara walikaribisha wageni watatu. Kumbe walikaribisha Malaika wa Mungu wenye ujumbe muhimu kwa Ibrahimu na Sara....[Presented by Pastor P. Chuwa]
Psalm 127, Colossians 3:18-25, Matthew 9:23-26(NIV)
We may have various problems in our families. Let us call upon Jesus in prayer. ..Labda sisi tunashida mbalimbali katika familia zetu. Tumwite Yesu kwa njia ya maombi. [Presented by Pr. Chuwa}
