Ezekiel 36:22-28 (NIV)
God promises blessings to His people the nation of Israel. God promises to bless them not because they deserve it but because of the honour of His name...Mungu anaahidi kubariki taifa lake Israeli. Si kwa sababu wanastahili, lakini kwa utukufu wa jina lake. .....[Presented by Pastor Prudence Chuwa]
Acts 16:31-34 (NIV)
Paul and Silas were imprisoned because of their faith. They did not complain but continued to worship God....Paulo na Sila walifungwa gerezani kwa sababu ya imani yao. Hawakulalamika bali waliendelea kuomba na kumsifu Mungu. ...[Presented by Pastor Prudence Chuwa]
Romans 6:3-11 (NIV)
Baptism is the foundation of our lives as Christians. It is like a new beginning...Ubatizo ni msingi wa maisha yetu kama wakristo. Katika Ubatizo tunaanza maisha upya kiroho. ...Presented by Pastor Chuwa
Acts 10:44-48
When Peter preached the Gospel the people believed and God confirmed their faith by giving them the Holy Spirit so that they started to speak in tongues. ..Petro alikuwa akihubiri Injili kwa kundi la watu wa Mataifa. Wasikilizaji wake waliamini na Mungu alithibitisha imani yao kwa kuwapa Roho Mtakatifu na walianza kunena kwa lugha. ...Presented by Pastor Chuwa
Psalm 84:1-7, Romans 6:3-11, Luke 3:21-22 (NIV)
As Lutherans we believe that Baptism is a Sacrament and the foundation of our lives as Christians...Kama Walutheri tunaamini kwamba Ubatizo wa Kikristo ni Sakramenti, na ni msingi wa maisha yetu kama Wakristo. ....Presented by Pastor Chuwa
Acts 8:26-35 (NIV)
The Ethiopian was a convert to the Jewish faith and had been to Jerusalem to worship God. ..Mkushi alikuwa mwamini wa dini ya Kiyahudi. Pia alikuwa na bidii katika imani yake. ........Presented by Pastor Prudence Chuwa
Psalm 72:15-17, Acts 8:26-35, Matthew 4:12-17 (NIV)
Jesus is the light of the world. ...Yesu ni Nuru ya Ulimwengu.
Deuteronomy 3:18-22
God gave the Israeli people the Promised Land. The land was shared out among the 12 tribes...Mungu aliwapa Waisraeli nchi ya ahadi. Aligawa nchi hiyo kwa kabila 12 kila mmoja kwa eneo lake.
Philippians 3:13-16 (NIV)
Let us not carry the burden of last year. In this New Year let us press towards our goal...Tusibebe tena mizigo ya mwaka jana. Tusonge mbele. Tukaze mwendo.
Nahum 1:2-8 (NIV)
God is powerful. He is the one who created and sustains the world. ....Mungu ni mwenye nguvu. Mungu aliumba dunia na anatunza uumbaji wake wote.
