Tue 22nd Nov, Revelation 22:16-17
In these words at the end of the Book of Revelation we hear an invitation to come to Christ in faith....Katika maneno haya mwishoni wa kitabu cha Ufunuo wa Yohana tunasikia wito wa kuja kwa Yesu kwa imani.
Mon 21st Nov, Isaiah 52:1-6
Jerusalem is where God’s temple was built. It was the center of Jewish worship of Jehovah...Tunasoma mengi katika Biblia kuhusu Yerusalemu. Ni Mji mkuu wa Israeli. Ni Mahali patakatifu.
Sun 20th Nov 2016, Psalm: 103: 19-22, John 14:1-6, Revelation 21:1-5 (NIV)
Today is the last Sunday in the church year. Next Sunday the First Sunday in Advent we begin a New Church year. At the end of the church year we always think about the end of the world and the life to come..Leo ni Jumapili ya mwisho mwa mwaka wa Kanisa. Wiki ijayo tunaanza Majilio na mwaka mpya wa kanisa.Kila mwisho mwa mwaka tunajifunza kuhusu mwisho wa dunia na maisha ya milele.
Fri 18th Nov 2016, Revelation 18:1-8
There is much debate about what exactly is meant by The Great Babylon. Babylon was one of the enemies of Israel. But probably here it is taken to mean all that is immoral and opposed to the one true God...Kuna mawazo mbalimbali kuhusu Babeli mkuu. Je ! Ni mahali halisi? Babeli ilikuwa taifa katika maadui wa taifa la Israeli.
Thur 17th Nov. 2016, Matthew 24:29-31
Our passage this morning is very similar to that of yesterday morning. These are parallel passages from different gospels....Somo la leo linafanana sana na lile la jana kutoka Injili ya Marko. Kila injili ina mikazo tofauti kidogo.
Wed 16th Nov 2016, Mark 13:24-27 (NIV)
Jesus is teaching His disciples about His Second coming and the end of the world.....Yesu anawafundisha mitume wake kuhusu ujio wake wa pili na mwisho wa dunia.
Tues 15/11/16, Luke 21:5-9 (NIV)
Jesus spent much time teaching His disciples about what would come in the future......Yesu mara kwa mara alifundisha wanafunzi wake kuhusu mambo yatayotokea...
Revelation 21:9-11 New International Version (NIV)
This whole chapter is a vision of heaven. Heaven is where God is. It is a wonderful Holy place. ..Mlango huu nzima ni maono kuhusu mbinguni. Mbinguni ni mahali Mungu alipo. Ni mahali pa furaha na amani tele. ..
Revelation 17:14 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world....Yesu Kristo ni Mwana kondoo wa Mungu alikyechukua dambi ya ulimwengu...
Joel 3:1-5 New International Version (NIV)
In many other prophesies God judges His own people the Jewish nation. But here speaking through the Prophet Joel ....Kupitia manabii wengi Mungu anawonya Waisraeli kwa makosa yao. Lakini kupitia nabii Yoeli ...
