Mon 5th Dec, Luke 17:22-26 (NIV)
In these verses from the Matthew’s Gospel we hear Jesus teaching His disciples. He wants them to understand about His second coming...Katika maneno haya kutoka Injili ya Mathayo Yesu anawafundisha wanafunzi wake. Yesu alitaka waelewe kuhusu ujio wake wa pili kwa utukufu.
Sun 3rd Dec, Psalm 8, Revelation 1:8, Isaiah 2:2-4
Today is the second Sunday in Advent. We are thinking about the Lord coming in Glory and establishing His kingdom.
Thur 1st Dec, Isaiah 1:1-9 (NIV)
This is a message from God to the people of Judah through the Prophet Isaiah. God is judging His people because of their sins and rebellion.....Maneno haya ni maonyo ya Mungu kwa watu wa Yuda kupitia Nabii Isaya. Mungu anawonya kwa sababu ya uasi wao.
Wed 30th Nov, Romans 13:11-14 (NIV)
The Apostle Paul, near the end of his letter to the Christians at Rome, wants to remind them to be prepared..Mtume Paulo, karibu na mwisho wa Waraka wake kwa Warumi, anawakumbusha kutafakari kuhusu mwenendo wao.
Tue 29th Nov, John 18:36-37 (NIV)
Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He has all authority and the World is His....Yesu ni Mfalme wa Wafalme na ana mamlaka yote. Yeye aliumba ulimwengu na ni wake.
Mon 28th Nov, Matthew 22:41-46 (NIV)
The Jewish Holy Scriptures (our Old Testament) prophecy the coming of the Messiah. ...Maandiko matakatifu ya Kiyahudi ambayo sisi Wakristo tunaita Agano la Kale, yanashuhudia ujio wa Masihi.
Sun 27th Nov, Psalm 45:7-9, Romans 13:11-14, Matthew 24:36-44 (NIV)
Today is the first Sunday in Advent and the beginning of the Church year. Advent is a period of 4 Sundays leading up to Christmas...Leo ni Jumapili ya kwanza katika Majilio na mwanzo wa Mwaka wa Kanisa. Majilio ni kipindi cha Jumapili 4 kuelekea Kristmasi.
Sat 26th Nov, Isaiah 29:18-24
In this message from God through the prophet Isaiah there are words of encouragement. This is a message of hope....Katika somo la leo, Mungu anasema kupitia Nabii Isaya. Mungu anatoa maneno ya faraja...
Fri 25th Nov, Psalm 22:28 (NIV)
Everything belongs to God and all people belong to Him. ..Kila kitu ni mali ya Mungu. Kila mtu ni mali ya Mungu.
Thur 24th Nov, Matthew 22:23-33 (NIV)
The Sadducees did not believe in Eternal life. They asked Jesus the question by posing an unlikely example but their aim was to trick Jesus....Masadukayo hawakuamini kuhusu mbinguni na maisha ya milele. Kwa sababu hii walitoa mfano kumjaribu Yesu.
