Deuteronomy 29:1-9 NIV {Kumbukumbu la Torati 29:1-9}
Look out every day for the hand of God in your life. .. Tafuta kuuona mkono wa Mungu kila siku katika maisha yako. {By Pr. P Chuwa}
2 Corinthians 3:1-3 NIV {2 Wakorintho 3:1-3}
Your life is also a letter...Maisha yako ni kama barua..{By Pr. P. Chuwa}
Job 22:21 NIV {Ayubu 22:21}
Listen to God, follow his guidance and be blessed.. Msikilize Mungu na ufuate njia zake ubarikiwe. {By Pr. P. Chuwa}
Mathew 16:24-28 NIV {Mathayo 16:24-28}
Let us see how we can be a blessing to others today and every day..Tutafute namna ya kuwa baraka kwa watu wengine katika maisha yetu ya kila siku..{By Pr. P. Chuwa}
2 Timothy 1:3-7 NIV {2Timotheo 1:3-7}
Thank God for those people who lead you to Christ and who have helped and encouraged you in your spiritual life. Mshukuru Mungu kwa watu waliokuleta kwa Kristo na waliokulea kiroho...{By Pr. P. Chuwa}
Revelation 2:8-11 NIV { Ufunuo 2:8-11}
Let us be patient in suffering and not become discouraged but persevere in following Christ. Tuvumilie katika maisha yetu ya Imani. Tuendelee kumfuata Yesu Kristo. ..{By Pr. P. Chuwa}
Ephesians 4:25-3 NIV {Efeso 4:25-3}
Our good behavior will also be a testimony to those whose life style is different. ..Ukiacha tabia mbaya utampendeza Mungu na itakuwa ushuda mzuri kwa watu wengine. {By Pastor P. chuwa}
Matthew 13:24-30 NIV {Mathayo 13:24-30}
It is not for us to judge others in maters of faith... Sio jukumu letu kuwahukumu wengine katika mambo ya imani. {By Pr. P. Chuwa}
Proverbs 3:1-5 NIV {Methali 3:1-5}
We should ask God to guide us in life and show us what is pleasing to Him...Lakini zaidi ni muhimu kutafuta kuongozwa na Mungu katika kila kitu...{By Pr. P. Chuwa}
Exodus 34:1-4 NIV {Kutoka 34:1-4}
We are all sinners and we need a Saviour to reconcile us to God. ..Sisi sote ni wenye dhambi,hatuwezi kujitakasa, tunahitaji mwokozi...{By Pr. P. Chuwa}
