Hosea 3:1-5 NIV
Even though we rebel against God, HE still wan'ts to reconciliation..Mungu anatutafuta tutubu na kumrudia japo tunamwaasi mara kwa mara. {By Pr. P Chuwa}
Proverbs 28:13-14 NIV (Mithali 28:13-14)
Confess and repent your sins and live to please God...Tubu dhambi zako na acha dhambi na uishi maisha ya kumpendeza Mungu. {By Pr. P Chuwa}
Ezekiel 33:10-20 NIV (Ezekieli 33:10-20)
God is patient and Just..Mungu ni mwenye subira na haki..{By Pr. P. Chuwa}
Psalm 119:153-160, Luke 19:1-10, Judges 10:6-10 (Zaburi 119:153-160,  Luka 19:1-10, Waamuzi 10:6-10)
Let us not wait to repent. As soon as you realize that you have sinned turn to God in repentance...Toba ni muhimu sana katika maisha yetu. Kila wakati uponaguswa kwamba umetenda dhambi tubu na uache...{By Pr P Chuwa}
Deuteronomy 7:12-18 NIV (KUMBUKUMBU LA TORATI 7:12-18)
We cannot earn our salvation by works but only by trusting in Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior ..Hatuokolewi kwa njia ya matendo yetu bali kwa imani katika Yesu Kristo..{By Pr. P Chuwa}
Romans 11:28-32 NIV (Warumi 11:28-32)
Do you believe in Jesus Christ as you Lord and saviour?...Je unamwamini Yesu Kristo kuwa Bwana na mwokozi wako? {By Pr. P Chuwa}
Romans 6:15-23 NIV {Warumi 6:15-23]
We are saved by God's Grace...Tunaokolewa kwa neema ya Mungu tu..{By Pr. P Chuwa}
Hosea 2:18-23 NIV
God is patient with us and does not want anyone to perish..Mungu ni mwenye subira na huruma kwetu, hapendi hata mmoja aangamie..{ By Pr. P Chuwa}
Songs of Songs 8:6 { Wimbo ulio bora 8:6}
Learn to love God and our Spouses..Tukazane kumpenda Mungu na wenzi wetu. ..{By Pastor P Chuwa}
1John 4:7-10 {1Yohana 4:7-10}
God is Love...Mungu ni pendo..{By Pr.P Chuwa}
