Luka 21:1-4
1 Akainua macho yake akawaona matajiri wakitia sadaka zao katika sanduku la hazina.
2 Akamwona mjane mmoja maskini akitia mle senti mbili.
3 Akasema, Hakika nawaambia, huyu mjane maskini ametia zaidi kuliko wote;
4 maana, hao wote walitia sadakani katika mali iliyowazidi, bali huyu katika umaskini wake ametia vyote alivyokuwa navyo.
Uwakili wetu kwa Bwana;
Yesu anaiongelea sadaka ya mjane kuwa timilifu maana katika umaskini wake alitoa vyote alivyokuwa navyo, kwa moyo wa shukrani. Matajiri walitoa mali iliyowazidi. Ingekuwa leo tungesema walitoa mabaki au"chenji".
Yesu alitaka kufundisha kuhusu kumtolea Mungu, kuwa sadaka isiwe kitu cha ziada, bali cha kwanza. Unapopata fedha/mali, wa kwanza kumpa ni Mungu, maana vyote ni mali yake.
Tunayo nafasi ya kujihoji, kuwa pamoja na baraka zote tulizopewa, tunamtolea Mungu inavyostahili au tunampa mabaki/chenji? Unaenda dukani kutafuta chenji kwa ajili ya sadaka, kwani kama siyo Mungu hiyo hela kubwa ungeipata? Moyo uliojaa shukrani hauwezi kumpa Mungu mabaki! Bali utampa vinono.
Tukumbuke kuwa tunawajibika kumtolea Mungu kwa sababu sisi ni mawakili tu wa mali zake. Tunapomtolea tunampa mali yake. Lakini pia, matoleo yetu ni muhimu ili kazi yake iendelee. Unamtolea Mungu ipasavyo au unatoa chenji? Unamtolea kwa moyo wa shukrani?
Siku njema.
LUKE 21:1-4
The Widow’s offering
1 As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3 “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4 All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”
Our stewardship to the Lord;
Jesus speaks of the widow's offering being perfect because in her poverty she gave all she had, with a grateful heart. The rich gave the excess they had. Today we would say they gave away remnants or "change".
Jesus wanted to teach about giving to God, that offering should not be something extra, but first. When you get money / property, the first to give to is God, because it is all His property in the first place..
We have a chance to question ourselves, with all the blessings we have been given, do we give to God properly or to give Him remnants? Are you going to a shop to find change for the offering, because if it wasn't for God you would not have the big currency. A grateful heart cannot give God a remnant! But will give him the best part.
Let us remember that we are obligated to give to God because we are only stewards of His possessions. When we give to him we give him part or his possessions. But also, our offerings are essential for His work of the Gospel to continue. Are you giving to God properly or are you giving change? Do you give to him with a grateful heart?
Good day.