Romans 7:5-6 (Warumi 7:5-6)
We are saved by Grace. Tunaokolewa kwa neema. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Isaiah 58:10-14
God promises to bless His people when they obey Him. Mungu anaahidi kubariki watu wake wanaomtii. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Romans 1:8-13
Meeting together weekly in a House to House Fellowship group is a good way to strengthen your faith and encourage others.  Kuhudhuria  Ibada za Nyumba kwa Nyumba kila wiki ni njia nzuri kujengwa katika imani yako na kuwasidia na kutia moyo wakristo wenzako. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Mathew 22:34-40
All of God's commandments are important. Amri zote za Mungu ni muhimu. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Proverbs 19:17 (Mithali 19:17)
God give us wisdom as to whom to help and what is appropriate help. Mungu atupe hekima tumsaidie nani na kwa njia gani. {Pastor P Chuwa}     
1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
Pray for Church leaders. Waombee viongozi wa Kanisa. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Mark 10:1-12
What God has joined together, let no one separate. Alichokiunganisha Mungu, mwanadamu asikitenganishe. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Hebrews 13:1-3 (Waebrania 13:1-3)
Whatever kind thing we do for other people we are really doing for Jesus. Tukifanya tendo jema na la ukarimu kwa binadamu wenzetu tumemfanyia Yesu. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Mark 8:31-38
Let us take up our cross daily and follow Jesus. Tuchukue misalaba yetu kila siku na kumfuata Yesu. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Matthew 4:18-22
You can serve God wherever He has placed you. Unaweza kumtumikia Mungu pale alipokuweka. {Pastor P Chuwa}
