Jeremiah 15:15-16
Spend some time with God every day in prayer and Bible reading. Kuwa na muda wa faragha na Mungu kwa kusoma neno lake na kusali. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Matthew 15:32-39 (Mathayo 15:32-39)
Give the little you have to Jesus, and he will multiply it to bless others. Toa kidogo ulicho nacho kwa Yesu, naye atakizidisha kubariki wengine. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Psalm 42:1-8, 1 Corinthians 11:17-22, Luke 9:10-17
Jesus is the bread of life. Yesu nimkate wa uzima. {Pastor P.Chuwa}
Proverbs 12:10-11 (Mithali 12:10-11)
God wants us to treat animals with kindness. Mungu anatutaka tuwatendee wema wanyama. {C Swai, Elder}
Genesis 7:1-5 (Mwanzo 7:1-5)
May God help us all to be faithful in fulfilling all our responsibilities. Mungu atusaidie sisi sote tuwe waaminifu na tutekeleza vizuri wajibu wetu. {Pastor P Chuwa} 
Isaiah 40:26
Let us fulfill our responsibilities to care for God’s wonderful creation. Tutekeleze jukumu letu la kutunza ummbaji mzuri wa Mungu. {Pastor P Chuwa}
ECCLESIASTES  11:1-6 (Mhubiri 11:1-6)
Work hard and trust in God. Fanya kazi kwa bidii na mwamini Mungu. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Genesis 2:7-10 (Mwanzo 2:7-10)
We are called to care for the environment. Tunaaswa kutunza mazingira. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Psalm 89:11-14, Isaiah 40:26, Genesis 2:15
Let us care for God's creation. Tutunze uumbaji wa Mungu. {Pastor P Chuwa}
Jeremiah 18:18
The word of God will come to pass. Neno la Mungu litatimizwa. {C Swai, Elder}
