Proverbs 15:6-7 NIV (Mithali 15:6-7)


Proverbs 15:6-7 New International Version (NIV)

The house of the righteous contains great treasure,
    but the income of the wicked brings ruin.

The lips of the wise spread knowledge,
    but the hearts of fools are not upright.

Pray that God would give you true wisdom which will overflow into your speech. May God enable us to think good and pure thoughts as we are inspired by The Holy Spirit and God’s Word and then we will know how to give a wise and helpful answer to each person to whom we speak.

ALHAMISI TAREHE 7 SEPTEMBA 2017 ASUBUHI                     

Mithali 15:6-7

Katika nyumba ya mwenye haki mna akiba nyingi; Bali mapato ya mtu mbaya huwa taabu tu. 
Midomo ya mwenye haki hueneza maarifa; Bali moyo wa mpumbavu haufanyi hivyo. 

Mungu atupe hekima ya kweli ili maneno yetu yawe ya busara kila wakati. Tafakari yalio mema na kupendeza mbele ya Mungu. Tukisoma Neno la Mungu na kuongozwa na Roho Mtakatifu tutakuwa na mawazo mazuri na maneno mazuri kwa kila mtu.