Jumatatu ya Pasaka; Kukumbuka kufufuka kwa Yesu Kristo
Masomo; Zab 138:5-8; Gal 4:12-20 *Yn 21:15-17*
Yohana 21:15-17 Neno: Bibilia Takatifu
Yesu Amwuliza Petro Kama Anampenda
15 Walipokwisha kula, Yesu akamwuliza Simoni Petro, “Simoni mwana wa Yohana, unanipenda kweli kuliko hawa?” Yeye akamjibu, “Ndio Bwana, wewe unajua ya kuwa nakupenda.” Yesu akamwambia, “Lisha wana kondoo wangu.” 16 Kwa mara nyingine Yesu akamwuliza Simoni Petro, “Simoni, mwana wa Yohana, unanipenda?” Petro akajibu, “Ndio Bwana, wewe unajua ya kuwa nakupenda.” Akamwambia, “Chunga kondoo wangu.” 17 Kwa mara ya tatu Yesu akamwuliza Petro, “Simoni mwana wa Yohana, unanipenda?” Petro akahuzu nika sana kwa kuwa Yesu alimwuliza mara ya tatu, ‘Unanipenda?’ Akamjibu, “Bwana, wewe unajua kila kitu. Unajua ya kuwa nakupenda.” Yesu akamwambia, “Lisha kondoo wangu.
Tembea na Yesu mfufuka.
Usiku wa Jumapili ya Pasaka na siku iliyofuata, Yesu aliwatokea wanafunzi wakiwa wamejifungia chumbani kwa hofu ya wayahudi. Baada ya kuwatokea tena wakiwa na Thomaso Juma moja baadaye, inaonekana waliendelea na maisha yao ya zamani kama kawaida.
Kutokewa kwao na Yesu kulidhihirisha ufufuko, lakini bado walienda kuendelea na kazi zao walizozifanya zamani. Walienda kuvua samaki. Hawakuvua kwa kupumzika au kufurahi, bali walivua samaki ili waishi. Wao baada ya kutokuwa na Yesu ana kwa ana, walirudi kwenye kazi yao ya awali.
Tukirudi katika maisha yetu;
Baada ya kuijua Injili ya kweli iletayo wokovu, na baada ya kuona ukweli usio na shaka kuwa Yesu kweli alifufuka, nini itikio letu katika kuuendeleza utume wa Kristo Yesu?
Injili ya leo inatuonesha jinsi Petro alivyoitikia ufufuko wa Yesu. Tunaweza kusema alikuwa mvuvi kiongozi. Alikuwa amerudi kwenye kazi aliyoijua, aliyoimudu, na aliyoifanya kwa furaha kabisa. Lakini pamoja na kuwa mvuvi mjuzi, alivua usiku bila kupata chochote
Yohana 21:3 Simoni Petro aliwaambia, Naenda kuvua samaki. Nao wakamwambia, Sisi nasi tutakwenda nawe. Basi wakaondoka, wakapanda chomboni; ila usiku ule hawakupata kitu.
Ni Yesu alipowajia akawaambia kutupa jarife, tena wakati kunapambazuka ndipo wakapata samaki wengi, kiasi cha kushindwa kulivuta jarife.
Hapa ni dhahiri inawezekana wavuvi wenzake na Petro waliona si mjuzi tena kwenye hiyo tasnia, yeye kama kiongozi wao.
Lakini hadi hapo kwanza, tumaweza kujifunza kuwa sio kila kitu tunachofanya tutegemee majibu tuliyoyazoea. Ni muhimu kutafiti na kujifunza zaidi, maana zipo changamoto katika mazingira ya kazi kila wakati. Muhimu ni kuwa juhudi yenye maarifa, tukimtanguliza Yesu.
Baada ya kurejea pwani, Yesu aliwapatia kifungua kinywa. Aliwapa mkate na samaki waliovua. Wakashiba. Walikuwa wamechoka usiku kucha tena bila kupata kitu, hivyo bila shaka walikuwa na njaa. Kutofanikiwa usiku kuliwakatisha tamaa. Lakini sasa mwenye nguvu ya kutuliza bahari aliweza kuwafuta machozi, na kuwainua tena.
Kumbuka, mara ya mwisho walikula na Yesu Alhamis, ambapo aliwaosha miguu. Sasa asubuhi hii wakaanza kukumbuka mambo yaliyopita, yaani kulishwa na Yesu na kuoshwa miguu.
Ndipo katika somo la leo Yesu anaongea na Petro akimwambia kuhusu kulisha kondoo zake. Anamuuliza mara tatu, na Petro anahuzunika (17).
Petro anahuzunika baada ya kuulizwa mara tatu na Yesu kama anampenda. Kumbuka Ijumaa Kuu tuliona Petro akimkana Yesu mara tatu kabla ya Jogoo kuwika. Katika hali ya kawaida lazima alishuka! Mara tatu tena? Labda aliona Bwana ana mashaka naye?
Petro alikuwa ameona Yesu amekufa, na alihakiki ufufuko wa Yesu kaburini, lakini akawa amerudi kuvua samaki! Yesu alikuwa anamtuma kwa msisitizo.
Turudi nyuma kidogo;
Yesu anamuita Simoni wa Yohana na siyo Petro, kwa nini? Muhimu kufahamu ilikuwaje akapewa jina Petro;
Mathayo 16:13-18
13 Basi Yesu akaenda pande za Kaisaria-Filipi, akawauliza wanafunzi wake akasema, Watu hunena Mwana wa Adamu kuwa ni nani?
14 Wakasema, Wengine hunena u Yohana Mbatizaji, wengine Eliya, wengine Yeremia au mmojawapo wa manabii.
15 Akawaambia, Nanyi mwaninena mimi kuwa ni nani?
16 Simoni Petro akajibu akasema, Wewe ndiwe Kristo, Mwana wa Mungu aliye hai.
17 Yesu akajibu, akamwambia, Heri wewe Simoni Bar-yona; kwa kuwa mwili na damu havikukufunulia hili, bali Baba yangu aliye mbinguni.
18 Nami nakuambia, Wewe ndiwe Petro, na juu ya mwamba huu nitalijenga kanisa langu; wala milango ya kuzimu haitalishinda.
Yesu alimuita Petro baada ya kuona Imani yake kubwa sana. Kwa Imani ile alimuona mwamba. Lakini baadaye Petro akamkana Yesu mara tatu! Lakini Yesu aliendelea kumuita Petro, labda tu katika somo la leo, ambapo alimuona kuyumba kiimani. Ndio maana anamuuliza, "Je wanipenda?"
Hapa kuna umuhimu tuone neno upendo lilivyotumika na Yesu;
Kwa Kiyunani, neno Upendo liko hivi;
1. Eros - Upendo wa kawaida (physical love)
2. Phileo - Upendo wa ndugu (brotherly love)
3. Agape - Upendo wa kiMungu (Divine love)
Wakati Yesu akimaanisha Upendo wa kiMungu (Agape) Simon Petro anajibu kuwa anampenda Yesu kama ndugu yake (brotherly) hali iliyosababisha Yesu kurudia mara tatu. Kama tulivyoona hapo awali, anayeulizwa anaumia sana baada ya kuulizwa mara tatu, akikumbuka kumkana Yesu mara tatu na jogoo kuwika siku chache zilizopita.
Yesu bado aliitaka Imani ya Petro.
Kuuliza swali mara nyingi swali lile lile kwa mwanafunzi yule yule ni njia mojawapo ya kukaza somo husika. Yesu anapouliza mara ya tatu ni mkazo kwa Petro kueleza anachomuitia.
Pamoja na Imani, kwa lugha ya leo unaweza kusema alikuwa na "majanga". Unakumbuka alitembea juu ya maji, lakini mara ghafla akaanza kuzama? Baadae ndiye anamkana Yesu! Lakini bado Yesu alimwamini Petro, akimuona kiongozi wa Kanisa lake hata akiisha kupaa.
Kama alivyomuita Petro, Yesu nasi anatuita na kututuma kulilisha kundi lake, yaani kuhubiri Injili kwa wote. Nini nafasi yako katika hili?
Tunampenda Yesu?
Maisha yetu yanaakisi kumpenda Yesu?
Kutembea na Yesu mfufuka ni kumpokea mioyoni mwetu, na kumfanya kiongozi wa maisha yetu.
Yesu aliyetuita anatuagiza kumpenda na kulisha kondoo wake. Kulisha kondoo wake ni kuifanya kazi yake bila kuchoka.
- Kumpenda Yesu kunatokana na uhusiano wetu naye.
- Kumpenda Yesu ni matokeo ya kutambua neema yake.
- Kumpenda Yesu kunatutaka kuwa watu wa toba pale tunapokosa.
- Kama unampenda Yesu, lisha Kondoo zake.
Nakuacha na swali;
"Unampenda Yesu"?
Easter Monday.
John 21:15-17 New International Version
Jesus Reinstates Peter
15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?”
“Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.”
16 Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.”
17 The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?”
Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.
Walk with the risen Jesus.
On the night of Passover Sunday and the next day, Jesus appeared to the disciples, locked in a room for fear of the Jews. After appearing to them again with Thomas a week later, they apparently resumed their former life as usual.
The appearance of Jesus signified the resurrection, but they still went on to do their former work. They went fishing. They did not fish for recreation, but they fished for a living. After not having Jesus among them, they returned to their original work.
Going back into our lives;
Having known the true Gospel that brings salvation, and having seen the indisputable fact that Jesus was indeed resurrected, what is our response to furthering the mission of Christ Jesus?
Today's Gospel shows us how Peter responded to Jesus' resurrection. We can say that he was a leading fisherman. He had returned to the work he knew, had done, and done with great joy. But despite being a skilled fisherman, he fished at night without catching anything
John 21: 3 “I’m going out to fish,” Simon Peter told them, and they said, “We’ll go with you.” So they went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.
It was when Jesus came to them and told them to cast their nets, and at dawn they caught so many fish that they were unable to haul in the net.
Here it is quite possible that his fellow fishermen and Peter felt no longer familiar with the industry, he as their leader.
But until then, we can learn that not everything we do depends on the answers we are used to. It is important to research and learn more, because there are challenges in the work environment all the time. The key is to exert knowledgeable effort, putting Jesus first.
Let's move on;
After returning to the shore, Jesus gave them breakfast. He gave them bread and fish. They were full. They had been tired all night again without finding anything, so they were no doubt hungry. Failure at night disappointed them. But now He who has power over the mighty sea, was able to wipe away the tears, and to lift them up again.
Remember, the last time they ate was with Jesus on Thursday, where he washed their feet. Now this morning they began to remember the things that had happened to them, that is, to be fed by Jesus and to have their feet washed.
Then in today's lesson Jesus is talking to Peter about telling him to feed his sheep. He asks her three times, and Peter is sad (verse 17).
Peter is grieved after being asked three times by Jesus if he loved him. Remember on Good Friday we saw Peter deny Jesus three times before the Rooster crowed. Under normal circumstances he must have felt ashamed! Three times more? Maybe he saw the Lord was in doubt with him?
Peter had just witnessed Jesus 'death, and he was about to witness Jesus' resurrection from the dead, but he returned to fish! Jesus was sending him with emphasis.
Let's go back a little bit;
Jesus calls him Simon of John and not Peter, why? It is important to know how he was named Peter;
Mathew 16:13-18
13 When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”
14 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”
16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”
17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter,[a] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[b] will not overcome it.
Jesus called Peter after seeing his great Faith. By that Faith he saw the rock. But later Peter denied Jesus three times! But Jesus continued to call Peter, perhaps only in today's lesson, when he saw him faltering in faith. That's why he asks him, "Do you love me?"
Here it is important to note the word love used by Jesus;
In Greek, the word Love is as follows;
1. Eros - Physical love (physical love)
2. Phileo - Brotherly love
3. Agape - Divine love
When Jesus refers to the Divine Love (Agape) Simon Peter answers that he loves Jesus as his brother (brotherly) a situation that caused Jesus to repeat three times. As we saw earlier, the interviewee is deeply hurt after being questioned three times, remembering having denied Jesus three times a few days ago.
Jesus still wanted Peter's Faith.
Repeating the same question for the same student is one way to emphasize the subject. When Jesus asks a third time, Peter is empowered to explain his is calling.
With Faith, in today's language you can say Peter had "disasters". Remember he walked on water, but suddenly he began to sink? Later he denies Jesus! But Jesus still believed Peter, seeing him as the leader of his Church even after his ascension.
As He called Peter, Jesus also calls us and sends us to feed His flock, that is, to preach the Gospel to all. What is your role in this?
Do we love Jesus?
Does our life reflect the love of Jesus?
To walk with the risen Jesus is to receive Him into our hearts, making Him the leader of our lives.
Jesus who called us commands us to love and feed His sheep. Feeding his sheep is to do his work tirelessly.
- Love for Jesus stems from our relationship with him.
- Love for Jesus is the result of recognizing His grace.
- Love of Jesus requires us to be people of repentance when we sin.
- If you love Jesus, feed His Sheep.
I leave you with a question; "Do you love Jesus"?