Exodus 34:1-4 New International Version (NIV)
The New Stone Tablets
1 The Lord said to Moses, “Chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I will write on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke. 2 Be ready in the morning, and then come up on Mount Sinai. Present yourself to me there on top of the mountain. 3 No one is to come with you or be seen anywhere on the mountain; not even the flocks and herds may graze in front of the mountain.”
4 So Moses chiseled out two stone tablets like the first ones and went up Mount Sinai early in the morning, as the Lord had commanded him; and he carried the two stone tablets in his hands.
Moses met with The Lord God face to face on Mount Sinai. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments for the Jewish people. These commandments are also relevant to all people. They show us how God wants us to live.
When Jesus came to earth He did not abolish these commandments rather he pointed out that it is not just our outward actions which matter to God but that even our thoughts are important. In fact no one can truly follow God’s commandments in his own strength. We are all sinners and we need a Saviour to reconcile us to God. That is why Jesus came to earth to die for us and rise again.
Trusts in Jesus as your Saviour and Lord.
KUTOKA 34:1-4
1 Kisha Bwana akamwambia Musa, Chonga mbao mbili za mawe mfano wa zile za kwanza; nami nitaandika juu ya mbao hizo maneno hayo yaliyokuwa juu ya mbao za kwanza, hizo ulizozivunja.
2 Nawe uwe tayari asubuhi, na asubuhi ukwee juu katika mlima wa Sinai, nawe hudhurisha nafsi yako kwangu huko katika kilele cha mlima.
3 Asikwee mtu pamoja nawe, wala asionekane mtu awaye yote katika huo mlima; wala kondoo na ng'ombe wasilishe mbele ya huo mlima.
4 Naye akachonga mbao mbili za mawe mfano wa zile za kwanza; na Musa akainuka na mapema asubuhi, naye akakwea katika mlima wa Sinai, kama Bwana alivyomwamuru, akazichukua hizo mbao mbili za mawe mkononi mwake.
Musa aliitwa na Mungu kupanda mlima Sinai na kukutana na Mungu kule uso kwa uso. Mungu alimpa Musa Amri Kumi kwa ajili ya Wayahudi. Lakini hizi amri zinahusu binadamu wote. Ni amri zinazonyesha jinsi Mungu anavyotaka tuishi.
Wakati Yesu Kristo alipokuja duniani hakufuta amri hizi bali alisitiza kwamba si matendo ya nje tu ambayo ni muhimu, bali Mungu huangalia mawazo yetu pia. Kwa kweli sisi sote ni wenye dhambi na hatuwezi kujitakasa. Ndiyo maana tunahitaji mwokozi. Yesu Kristo alikuja kutuokoa na kutupatanisha na Mungu. Yesu alikufa kwa ajili ya dhambi zetu na kufufuka tena.
Mwamini Yesu Kristo kama Bwana na Mwokozi wako.