Jeremiah 31:37-40 NIV (Yeremia 31:37-40)
The Lord will restore his Glory..Mungu ataurejesha utukufu wake.
Mithali 8: 22 - 31 (Proverbs 8:22-31)
Tutafute kumfahamu Yesu na kufuata njia zake, ili tuweze kuwa naye hata baada ya ulimwengu huu kupita. Put your trust in Jesus, learn and follow his ways, so you can be with him after this life has passed.
Zephaniah 3:18-20 NIV (Sefania 3:18-20)
God forgives those who have sinned and repented by his Mercy..Tunapoanguka katika dhambi, tukirejea na kutubu, Mungu anatusamehe. {By C Swai, Elder}
2 Peter 1:1-11 (2Petro 1:-11)
For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Maana mambo hayo yakiwa kwenu na kujaa tele, yawafanya ninyi kuwa si wavivu wala si watu wasio na matunda, kwa kumjua Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo.
John 10:10-15 NIV (Yohana 10:10)
At this time when we prepare to celebrate Christ's birthday, let us not forget what Jesus has done for us, to help the needy, and be apart from the works of Satan. Tunapojiandaa kusherehekea kuzaliwa kwa Yesu, tusisahau jinsi alivyotuokoa, kusaidia wahitaji, na pia kujitenga na kazi za yule mwovu. {By C. Swai, Elder}
Zechariah 3:8-10 NIV (Zekaria 3: 8 - 10)
At this time of the year when we wait to celebrate the birth of Christ, let us truly celebrate the salvation that came with it. Katika kipindi hiki tunapojiandaa kusheherekea Krismasi, tukumbuke kusheherekea ukombozi ulioletwa kwetu na Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo.
2 Chronicles 24:1-8 NIV (2 Nyakati 24: 1 - 8)
Christians are called to do right in the eyes of the Lord whatever the circumstances..Wakristo tunapaswa kutendenda yanayompendeza Mungu katika hali zote.
Revelation 14:13 NIV {Ufunuo 14:13}
Trusting in Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour, we will gain Eternal Life. Kumwamini Yesu Kristo kama Bwana na Mwokozi kutakupatia uzima wa milele.
1 Thessalonians 1:3-10 NIV (1Wathesalonike 1:3-10)
Think about how you pray for your friends and family. ..Tazama jinsi unavyowaombea marafiki na familia. {By Pr. P Chuwa}
Revelation 1:17-20 NIV (Ufunuo 1:17-20)
Let us prepare for Eternal Life in heaven by trusting Jesus Christ. Tujiandae kwa maisha ya milele mbiguni kwa kumwamini Yesu Kristo. {By Pr P Chuwa}
