1 Corinthians 16:13-14 New International Version (NIV)
13 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.14 Do everything in love.
We continue with the theme of being diligent in our faith and pressing forward. In the few words above The Apostle Paul is giving some advice at the end of his first letter to the Christians in Corinth. He has written many things to them in this letter and now he gives his final instructions.
This was good advice at the time when Paul wrote it and it is good advice for us today nearly 2000 later. Let us note each point and see how we can apply it in our lives today and every day.
1 WAKORINTHO 16:13-14
13 Kesheni, simameni imara katika Imani, fanyeni kiume, mkawe hodari.
14 Mambo yenu yote na yatendeke katika upendo.
Tukumbuke wazo la wiki hii “ Tukaze mwendo katika Kristo”. Maneno machache haya juu ni ushauri wa Mtume Paulo. Paulo aliandika waraka mrefu kwa Wakristo kule Korintho wenye mafundisho na ushauri mwingi. Haya ni maneno ya karibu mwisho wa Waraka huu na ni maeneno ya kukazia mafundisho yake.
Tafakari vipengele vyote na jitahidi kutekeleza leo na siku zote za maisha yako. Mtume Paulo aliandika maneno haya karibu miaka 2000 iliyopita lakini bado yana muhimu sana kwa sisi Wakristo wa leo. Tuzingatie.