Kutoka 34:1-4 (Exodus 34:1-4)


Kutoka 34:1-4

1 Kisha Bwana akamwambia Musa, Chonga vibao viwili vya mawe mfano wa vile vya kwanza; nami nitaandika juu ya vibao maneno hayo yaliyokuwa juu ya vibao vya kwanza, vile ulivyovunja.
Nawe uwe tayari asubuhi, na asubuhi ukwee juu katika mlima wa Sinai, nawe hudhurisha nafsi yako kwangu huko katika kilele cha mlima.
Asikwee mtu pamoja nawe, wala asionekane mtu awaye yote katika huo mlima; wala kondoo na ng'ombe wasilishe mbele ya huo mlima.
Naye akachonga mbao mbili za mawe mfano wa zile za kwanza; na Musa akainuka na mapema asubuhi,

Mungu au Ulimwengu;

Mungu anamtuma Musa kurejea tena mlima wa Sinai akiwa peke yake, na Vibao viwili vya mawe alivyochonga. Ukiendelea kusoma kuanzia mstari wa 5 na kuendelea, unaona Musa alikwea mlimani, na Bwana akadhihirisha Utukufu wake kwa Musa.

Kutoka 34:6-7

6 BWANA akapita mbele yake, akatangaza, BWANA, BWANA, Mungu mwingi wa huruma, mwenye fadhili, si mwepesi wa hasira, mwingi wa rehema na kweli;

7 mwenye kuwaonea huruma watu elfu elfu, mwenye kusamehe uovu na makosa na dhambi; wala si mwenye kumhesabia mtu mwovu kuwa hana hatia kamwe; mwenye kuwapatiliza watoto uovu wa baba zao, na wana wa wana wao pia, hata kizazi cha tatu na cha nne.

Musa anainama na kusujudu, akimuomba Bwana awe katikati ya Israeli, maana ni wenye shingo ngumu, awasamehe dhambi ili wawe warithi wake.

Mungu alimtumia Musa kama kuhani kudhihirisha Utukufu wake. Baadaye Yesu Kristo alikuja kuleta habari njema ya wokovu. Leo Mungu anawatumia makuhani wake kuhubiri habari za wokovu. Wanautangaza ukuu wa Mungu, kama Muumbaji aliye juu ya vyote. Tunawasikiliza?

Jumapili tulisikia Ibrahim akimjibu tajiri, aliyeomba atumwe mjumbe kushuhudia ndugu zake watano ili wasije kuangamia. Alimjibu hivi;

Luka 16:29

29 Ibrahimu akasema, Wanao Musa na manabii; na wawasikilize wao.

Jenga tabia ya kuhudhuria ibada na mikusanyiko ya Kanisa kama unavyoelekezwa, sikiliza mahubiri na mafundisho yote ukiyashika ipasavyo, ili uwe wa Mungu na siyo Ulimwengu. Siku njema.


Genesis 34:1-4

1 The Lord said to Moses, “Chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I will write on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke. Be ready in the morning, and then come up on Mount Sinai. Present yourself to me there on top of the mountain. No one is to come with you or be seen anywhere on the mountain; not even the flocks and herds may graze in front of the mountain.”

So Moses chiseled out two stone tablets like the first ones and went up Mount Sinai early in the morning, as the Lord had commanded him; and he carried the two stone tablets in his hands.

Read full chapter

God or the Universe;

God sends Moses back to Mount Sinai alone, with two stone tablets he carved. Continuing to read from verse 5 onward, you see Moses ascending the mountain, and the Lord revealed His Glory to Moses.

Exodus 34: 6-7

6 And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,

7 who is merciful to thousands, pardoning iniquity and transgression and sin; nor does he condemn the wicked for ever; Avenging the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, upon the third and upon the fourth generation.

Moses bows down and prostrates himself, praying to the Lord to be in the midst of Israel, for they are a stiff-necked people, forgiving their sins, so that they may be heirs.

God used Moses as a priest to reflect His glory. Later Jesus Christ came to bring the good news of salvation. Today God uses His priests to preach the message of salvation. They proclaim the greatness of God, as the Creator above all. Are we listening to them?

On Sunday we heard Ibrahim respond to a rich man, who asked to be sent to witness to his five brothers so that they would not perish. He replied thus;

Luke 16:29

29 Abraham said unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; and listen to them.

Develop the habit of attending Church services and meetings as directed, listen to all sermons and teachings and keep them properly, so that you belong to God and not to the World. Good day.