Acts 13:6-12 (Matendo 13:6-12)

MONDAY 25TH FEBRUARY 2019 MORNING                          

Acts 13:6-12 New International Version (NIV)

They traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus,who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God. But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith. Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said, 10 “You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? 11 Now the hand of the Lord is against you. You are going to be blind for a time, not even able to see the light of the sun.”

Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand. 12 When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord.

Paul and Barnabas preached the Word of God on the Island of Cyprus.  The proconsul Sergius  Paulus was touched by God’s Word and wanted to believe the Gospel but his servant, Elymas, a Sorcerer opposed God’s Word. God affirmed His Word and the ministry of His servants by the miracle of causing the Sorcerer to become blind. This shows that God’s power and authority is far greater than that of Satan and his agents. We should not be afraid of witchcraft but refuse all evil powers in the name of Jesus Christ.

JUMATATU TAREHE 25 FEBRUARI 2019 ASUBUHI                    

MATENDO 13:6-12

Walipokwisha kupita katikati ya kisiwa chote mpaka Pafo, wakaona mtu mmoja, mchawi, nabii wa uongo, Myahudi jina lake Bar-Yesu; 
mtu huyu alikuwa pamoja na liwali Sergio Paulo, mtu mwenye akili. Yeye liwali akawaita Barnaba na Sauli waje kwake, akataka kulisikia neno la Mungu. 
Lakini Elima, yule mchawi (maana ndiyo tafsiri ya jina lake), akashindana nao, akitaka kumtia yule liwali moyo wa kuiacha ile imani. 
Lakini Sauli, ambaye ndiye Paulo, akijaa Roho Mtakatifu, akamkazia macho, 
10 akasema, Ewe mwenye kujaa hila na uovu wote, mwana wa Ibilisi, adui wa haki yote, huachi kuzipotoa njia za Bwana zilizonyoka? 
11 Basi, angalia, mkono wa Bwana u juu yako, nawe utakuwa kipofu, usilione jua kwa muda. Mara kiwi kikamwangukia na giza, akazunguka-zunguka na kumtafuta mtu wa kumshika mkono na kumwongoza. 
12 Ndipo yule liwali, alipoyaona yaliyotendeka, akaamini, akiyastaajabia mafundisho ya Bwana. 

Paulo na Barnaba walihubiri Injili takatika kisiwa cha Kipro. Neno la Mungu lilimgusa Liwali Sergio Paulo na alitaka kuamini Injili. Lakini mchawi mmoja mtumishi wa liwali alipinga Neno la Mungu. Mungu alimpa mtumishi wake Mtume Paulo uweza wa kutenda miujiza na kumpofusha mchawi Elima. Tusiogope uchawi. Mungu ananguvu zaidi kuliko shetani na wachawi na nguvu zote za giza. Tumawamini na tumtegemee Yesu Kristo tu.