Maisha ya uovu hayana hatma njema kwa mwanadamu. Evil lives do not have a good future for mankind. /Heri Buberwa
Mithali 13:21-22 (Proverbs)
Tukiwa wenye dhambi, tutaishia kuwa waovu na kuangamia. As sinners, we will end up wicked and perish. /Heri Buberwa
Mathayo 11:20-24 (Mathew)
Yesu anatuita kutubu dhambi zetu, ili tuwe wenye haki ndipo tutaiepuka hukumu. Jesus calls us to repent of our sins, so that we may be righteous and then avoid judgment. /Heri Buberwa.
Luka 20:17-26 (Luke)
Yesu anatufundisha kutimiza wajibu wetu. Jesus teaches us to fulfill our responsibility. /Heri Buberwa
Ezekieli 3:16-21
Haki huinua taifa bali dhambi ni aibu ya watu wo wote. Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a shame to any people. /Heri Buberwa.
Mithali 22:22-29 (Proverbs)
Ishi kwa kutenda mema. Live by doing good. /Heri Buberwa
1 Petro 2:18-23 (Peter)
Uwe mvumilivu hadi mwisho. Persevere till the end. /Heri Buberwa
Luka 12:58-59 (Luke)
Yesu anatufundisha kuhusu kupatana. Jesus teaches us about reconciliation. /Heri Buberwa.
1 Wathesalonike 5:19-21 (Thessalonians)
Mtume Paulo anatukumbusha kumcha Bwana, kwa kutenda mema. The apostle Paul reminds us to fear the Lord, by doing good. /Heri Buberwa