The Psalmist is feeling harassed and oppressed by his enemies. He calls out to God for justice and mercy. He asks God to help him...
Mtunga zaburi anamlilia Mungu. Anajisikia kuteswa na maadui zake. Anamwomba Mungu huruma na haki.
Romans 13:1-7 New International Version (NIV)
These words of The Apostle Paul echo the words of our Lord Jesus Christ when He said pay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. (Matthew 22:21)...Maneno haya ya mtume Paulo yanafana na maneno ya Yesu Kristo mwenyewe akisema “Mlipeni Kaisari yaliyo ya Kaisari, na Mungu yaliyo ya Mungu” (Mathayo 22:21).....
Jeremiah 22:7-12 New International Version (NIV)
Through the Prophet Jeremiah God proclaimed judgement upon His people. The King and people of Judah had not been faithful to God so God allowed them to be taken captive and their country destroyed. ...Mungu alimtumia nabii Yeremia kuonya mfalme na watu wa Yuda. Mfalme alipotosha watu na walimwasi Mungu. Waliabudu miungu wengine.....
Psalm 85:1-13, Romans 13:1-7, Matthew 18:21-35 (NIV)
God has forgiven and continues to forgive each one of us whenever we repent of our sins. We should be merciful to others and willing to forgive them when they do wrong....Mungu ni wenye huruma nyingi na yupo tayari kutusamehe dhambi zetu zote kila wakati tunapotubu kwa kweli..
Job 19:22-27New International Version (NIV)
This is the testimony of Job. He suffered a lot in his life. But he did not give up his faith in God....Huu ni ushuhuda wa Ayubu. Alikuwa mcha Mungu. Aliteswa sana katika maisha yake lakini hakukata tamaa..
The Book of proverbs is a book of wise about how to live to please God and to be a blessing in society.....Kitabu cha Mithali ni kitabu cha hekima. Kinatuelezea jinsi ya kuishi kumpendeza Mungu na kuwa baraka kwa jamii.....
1 Peter 2:18-23 New International Version (NIV)
In place of the word slaves we may put servants or employees. The concept is that we should all respect one another and be obedient to those who are placed in authority over us.....Kila mtu anapaswa kutii mamlaka iliyopo. Kila mtu amewekwa chini ya mamlaka fulani....
Luke 18:1-6 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus is teaching us to persevere in prayer. It is good for us to keep praying to God about our own needs and the needs of others....
Yesu anasisitiza tuwe na bidii katika maombi na tusikate tamaa. Mungu anajua mahitaji yetu kabla ya sisi kuomba, lakini ni kwa faida yetu tunaomba...
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 New International Version (NIV)
We continue with the theme of being diligent in our faith and pressing forward......
Mark 6:7-13 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus called the Apostles to follow Him and learn from Him. Here He is sending them out to do work of evangelism. Jesus is still calling people to follow Him......