The “German-speaking Evangelical Community Dar es Salaam” has been in existence since 1967. It is an independent part of the Lutheran Azania Front congregation. The pastoral ministry is carried out by theologians sent from Germany as part of their mission in the Tanzanian church.

The German-speaking congregation invites all those who live here in Dar es Salaam and would like to celebrate their faith in German, who have lived in Germany for a while, studied, completed an apprenticeship, an internship, a voluntary service or something else.
We invite people who are learning German and are looking for a community with whom they can speak German. You are very welcome.

We see ourselves as a Christian, ecumenical international German-speaking community. Our church services take place monthly in the Mviringo Hall, a round building next to the Luther House.

You can find up-to-date informations about services and other events on our home page, Instagram and Facebook.

On behalf of the church council, I would like to extend my warmest greetings to you all,
Ursula Kronenberg, Pastor

Tel.: +255 743 289479



Instagram: Deutschergottesdienst_tz

Facebook: GemeindeDarEsSalaam

German version

Kiswahili Version